So those of you who know me know that I am recently recovered from a broken ankle. With a broken ankle, there is quite little you can do to stay in shape. Needless to say, I've gained some weight and lost some muscle tone over the last 12 weeks. I have just finished my prescribed 6 weeks of physical therapy, and now that I am mobile, its time to get into backpacking shape. I've got a little under 2 months to be ready to hike through the jungle carrying a 40+ pound pack of equipment and supplies. 

To get into shape I'm primarily going to be going to the gym (the lovely UNT Pohl Recreation Center) daily and at the least getting a 20-30 minute cardio workout in. On weekends or any day in the week I can spare a few hours, I am going to walk the Greenbelt Trail with my pack, working on increasing weight each weak.

I am so excited for this, but I'm thinking that I need someone to help keep me accountable for going through with my plan, so I'm going to ask a couple of my friends, and my parents, to ask me daily if I did my workout. I also am going to try to find someone to work out with when I can.

Well that's all I've got for today. Thanks for reading and thanks for the support, I pray that the Lord blesses you this week, and that you would find joy in his presence. Take a moment to thank Him for all He has provided.

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    Kristen Eichler

    Here's what I've been up to in preparation for and during my trip!


    October 2012